Local News

Eight private hospital staff in direct contact with Penang Covid-19 patient

GEORGE TOWN: The Lam Wah Ee Hospital here has confirmed that eight of its staff had direct contact with the newly-detected patient in Penang.

In a statement issued today, the hospital said the staff have been placed in close monitoring and immediate terminal disinfection of all affected areas has been conducted in accordance with the Ministry of Health’s infection control guidelines.

“Clinical services at the Lam Wah Ee Hospital are not affected and patients can continue with their existing care plans at the hospital,” it said.

It said that the 89-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital’s Accident and Emergency (A&E) unit on Sept 5 for acute gastroenteritis.

“The A&E staff found the patient had Severe Acute Respiratory Infection and immediately isolated him in the A&E decontamination negative pressure room and he was immediately transferred to the Penang Hospital,” it said adding that there were no other patients at that time.-Bernama

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