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More than 20,000 petition signs to call Khairuddin to resign

Malaysia News Lab

For now, there are approximately 20,000 signatures collected from an online petition to call Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali to resign as the Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities due to the inability to self-quarantine after coming back from Turkey.

By tonight, 9.28 P.M., there are 20,565 petitions signed in Change.org since two days ago to call him for a resignation.

According to the petition, Khairuddin also breached the 14-days of self-quarantine order to join the meeting of the committee in the headquarters of PAS after he came back from Turkey.

“Even though the earlier test shows negative on COVID-19, but the other citizens who being tested negative on COVID-19 also need to fulfill the 14-days of self-quarantine, no matter who you are and what position you having.

“Therefore, Malaysian gives pressures on the Minister to resign as he already breaches the self-quarantine order where it could inflict a new cluster that we are unable to foresee in no time,” mentioned in the online petition.

The case issue was raised by one of the parliament members in the district of Seputeh, Teresa Kok, on the 18th of August. According to the community representative of DAP, Khairuddin was on a trip to Turkey from the 3rd of July till the 7th of July.

Khairuddin was found attending the committee hall on the 13th of July, which is less than 14 days of the original quarantine session.

Apart from that, one of the parliament members from the district of Kuala Nerus also compiled a series of evidence to show his existence in various activities that involve a certain amount of people through Facebook, but the evidence was deleted after a moment.

For the record of the press conference on the 13th of July, the prime minister, YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Muhyiddin Yassin proposed to replace Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof with Azhar Harun as the speaker of the committee hall.

As for now, Khairuddin has not released any official statement but to inform the people to wait for the official statement that will be released from the Ministry of Health Malaysia.

Today, the deputy of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Noor Asmi Ghazali said that there is no such double degree attitude in failing to follow the self-quarantine procedures related to COVID-19.

“There is no one from the management could escape while the others get caught; there is no one from the management being arrested while the others being handcuffed.. there is no way to occur in such meaning,” he mentioned in one of the statements from Sinar Harian regarding the issue above. – Malaysia Kini

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